Dữ liệu bài báo khoa học

Dữ liệu bài báo khoa học

Indigenous acculturation in Whitefellas’ literature: Time for an Indigenized acculturation framework. Paper presented at the ‘Diversity, Equality and Culture’

22nd International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Reims, France, July, 15-19, 2014, 2014
Lĩnh vực: TÂM LÝ HỌC
Danh mục: Khác
Tác giả: Trần Nhật Lệ

An acculturation dilemma for Asian international students in Australia

Conference Proceedings of the 20th ISANA International Education Conference, 1-4 December 2009, ISANA International Education Association Inc, ISBN 978-0-9757180-3-2 Online Resource, 2009
Lĩnh vực: TÂM LÝ HỌC
Danh mục: Khác
Tác giả: Trần Nhật Lệ

Understanding the acculturation dilemma of Vietnamese international students in Australia. Paper presented at the ‘World Peace through Intercultural Understanding’

6th Biennial Conference of the International Academy of Intercultural Research, Honolulu, Hawaii, the USA, August, 15-19, 2009, 2009
Lĩnh vực: TÂM LÝ HỌC
Danh mục: Khác
Tác giả: Trần Nhật Lệ (Chính)

Unveiling of Vietnamese international students as sojourners. Paper presented at the ‘Crossing Borders: Cross-Cultural and Cultural Psychology as an Interdisciplinary, Multi-Method Endeavor’

19th International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Bremen, Germany, July, 27-31, 2008, 2008
Lĩnh vực: TÂM LÝ HỌC
Danh mục: Khác
Tác giả: Trần Nhật Lệ (Chính)